Please note: Registration will remain open until one week prior to the starting date of each camp. Once a group is filled, it will be removed from our registration list.
B You Summer Day Camp is a FREE week-long, half-day program designed for gender-diverse and female-identifying youth between the ages of 9-14. B You: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds aims to expand participant knowledge in active living, balanced eating, and self-compassion, while fostering strong mentoring relationships between participants and facilitators. Groups will be approximately 12 mentees to two fully screened (Criminal Record Check included) and trained facilitators, assisted by BBBS Victoria staff.
Our Westshore camp will run two sessions over one week from July 14 – July 18 at Eagle Ridge Community Centre. Our morning session (9AM – 12PM) is reserved for youth ages 9-11. Our afternoon session (1PM – 4PM) is reserved for youth ages 12-14.
Our Victoria camp will run four sessions over two weeks from July 28 – August 1, and from August 5* – August 8 (choose one of two weeks). Our morning sessions (9AM – 12PM) are reserved for youth ages 9-11. Our afternoon sessions (1PM – 4PM) are reserved for youth ages 12-14. *Please note: B You Summer Camp will NOT be in session on August 4th (BC Day holiday).
Once a group is filled, it will be removed from the registration list.
B You Summer Day Camp Registration and Consent
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Victoria respects your privacy and adheres to British Columbia personal information privacy legislation (PIPA). The information provided will be used to create a confidential client file.