Please note: Registration will remain open until one week prior to the starting date of each camp. Once a group is filled, it will be removed from our registration list.



B You Summer Day Camp is a FREE week-long, half-day program designed for gender-diverse and female-identifying youth between the ages of 9-14. B You: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds aims to expand participant knowledge in active living, balanced eating, and self-compassion, while fostering strong mentoring relationships between participants and facilitators. Groups will be approximately 12 mentees to two fully screened (Criminal Record Check included) and trained facilitators, assisted by BBBS Victoria staff.

Our Westshore camp will run two sessions over one week from July 14 – July 18 at Eagle Ridge Community Centre. Our morning session (9AM – 12PM) is reserved for youth ages 9-11. Our afternoon session (1PM – 4PM) is reserved for youth ages 12-14.

Our Victoria camp will run four sessions over two weeks from July 28 – August 1, and from August 5* – August 8 (choose one of two weeks). Our morning sessions (9AM – 12PM) are reserved for youth ages 9-11. Our afternoon sessions (1PM – 4PM) are reserved for youth ages 12-14. *Please note: B You Summer Camp will NOT be in session on August 4th (BC Day holiday).

Once a group is filled, it will be removed from the registration list.

B You Summer Day Camp Registration and Consent

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Victoria respects your privacy and adheres to British Columbia personal information privacy legislation (PIPA). The information provided will be used to create a confidential client file.

  • Child/Youth Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • These responses are voluntary. Information provided will be used for statistical purposes only.
  • Please list below. If no known allergies, please write "N/A" or NKA.
  • We will try our best to match your child/youth with other participants in the same grade.
  • Family/Youth Background Information

    This section is used for statistical purposes only. Your answers will not not be shared, and they will not affect your child's application to the program.
  • Select all that apply.
  • Family Contact Information

  • This email will be used to communicate with the Parent/Guardian of the student participating in B You if needed.
  • Based on CRD map.
  • Emergency contact name, relationship to child.
  • Required for emergency contact purposes.
  • Emergency contact name, relationship to child.
  • Required for emergency contact purposes.
  • Camp Information

  • Please note that morning groups are reserved for youth ages 9-11 and afternoon groups are reserved for ages 12-14. We have a maximum of 12 participants per group, spots are available on a first-come-first-serve-basis. Please select which group(s) you are available for. Please note that once a group is filled, it will be removed from our registration list below.
  • Please list the first and last names of adults who DO have permission to dropoff and pickup your child. Please let us know if there is anyone in particular who DOES NOT have permission to pick up your child. Please make sure the pickup person has photo ID on them each day so we are able to verify their identity (parents/guardians included). If your child has consent to walk or bus to/from the site, please enter "N/A."
  • About the Child/Youth

    Please note the following responses are voluntary and the information is used for statistical purposes only.
  • Please check all risks/needs that apply to this child/youth. Please note that the following responses are voluntary and the information is used for statistical purposes only.
  • Please check all risks/needs that apply to this child/youth. Please note that the following responses are voluntary and the information is used for statistical purposes only.
  • Please check all risks/needs that apply to this child/youth. Please note that the following responses are voluntary and the information is used for statistical purposes only.
  • Program Consent

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.