Big Steps to Success  supports children and youth in Greater Victoria. Families from other parts of Canada should visit the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada website to find your local agency.

Please note that the consent forms at the end of this application must be signed by the child’s legal guardian. The remainder of the application can be filled out by the child’s primary caregiver. The form is long, so please use the “Save and continue later” button found on the bottom of the page as needed (you can also share this form between people using this button).  Please also remember to hit the yellow “SUBMIT” button once the application has been finished.

Before starting the application form, please:

1. Complete our Big Steps to Success intake survey: This survey helps to fund and evaluate our programs and should only take about 5 minutes.

2. Reserve your space at an upcoming Parent/Guardian Orientation Session at, and

3. View our Family Intake Video:

Thanks, now please start the form.  If you need any help, please contact the Big Steps to Success Coordinator at OR (250) 475-1117*49.

BS2S Caregiver Application Form

  • About your Child

    To be eligible for a mentor, your child must be between 7 and 14 years old and live in the Greater Victoria Area (from Port Renfrew to Sidney). While youth living in permanent care will be prioritized, youth in temporary care may also apply. Submitting an application form does not guarantee acceptance into our programs or that a mentor can be found for your child.
  • Your child must be aged between 7 and 14 years old to apply for Big Steps to Success.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Primary Caregiver Information

    Please provide the contact information of the child's primary caregiver. The primary caregiver will be who Big Brothers Big Sisters will begin the intake process and coordinate a mentor match with.
  • The child/youth must in Greater Victoria (Port Renfrew to Sidney) to receive service from this Big Brothers Big Sisters agency.
  • Social worker information

    Big Steps to Success offers additional supports to children and youth involved with the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). If this child receives support from a social worker, and/or the social worker is the child's legal guardian, please provide their contact information below.
  • Hidden
  • Other Parent/Caregiver Information

    If there is another parent or caregiver involved in the child's life, please include their contact information here.
  • Background of Child

    This section is used for statistical purposes only. You do not need to complete this section if you are uncomfortable providing answers. Your answers will not affect this child's application to the program.
  • Please check all that apply.
  • Please check all that apply.

  • Someone we could contact if we cannot reach you in an emergency.
  • Please describe allergies, medical or physical concerns for your child that their mentor and agency staff should know about.
  • Hidden
  • Hidden
  • Please provide a brief description of how the child/youth is doing in school. E.g., are they struggling with any particular subjects, are they using any resources such as tutoring, are they engaged in the school or community, etc.?).
  • Stay informed of what's happening at BBBS! Fundraisers, Big/Little events, amazing opportunities and more! *Please note you can opt out at any time and we will not sell or share your contact information with anyone.
  • Activities List - Fun Things to Do Together

    Please select the activities, events and/or places your child enjoys or would like to try with their mentor:
  • We do not match girls with male mentors as we always have a considerably higher number of boys on our wait-list.
  • (i.e. sporty, creative, patient, outgoing, calm, etc.)

    You do not have to complete this section if you are not comfortable sharing information about your child or family with us. However, we strive to match each child with the best available mentor and knowing more about your child’s experiences helps us determine who might be the best match for them.
  • Please check all that apply.
  • Please check any/all that apply to this child.
  • Please check any/all that apply to this child.

    Please note that when we're matching your child, we will share information about them with the volunteer.
  • If yes, please clearly state what you do NOT want shared:
  • Informed Consent

    I have completed this form to the best of my knowledge. I will advise the agency of any changes in my child’s home situation, such as address changes, relationship changes, etc.
  • I am requesting service from Big Brothers Big Sisters for my child. I give the agency consent to assign a Mentor to my child. I am aware of and understand the risks, dangers, and hazards associated with the above service and agree such service is suitable for my child.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Photographs, Audio & Media Use

    Please note that it is the parent/guardians responsibility to notify the office if the status of this consent changes.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY