Volunteer Application for Mentors - All programs

"*" indicates required fields

About You

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Victoria Capital Region is committed to sustaining an environment where representation matters, diversity is celebrated and people of every race, religion, culture, gender and sexual orientation are welcomed. We acknowledge and honour the diversity of people, cultures, traditions and experiences, and we recognize and uphold the right of all individuals to respect, dignity, fairness, caring, equality, self-esteem and inclusion.
Your Name:*
Previous Name(s):
In which program would you like to volunteer first?
In what ways are you willing to connect with your mentee each week?

Contact Details

I live/attend school:*
Home Address:*


Please share your gender identity with us (e.g. male, female, non-binary, transgender, gender fluid, etc.). Knowing this can help us place you with someone who may have a similar experience.
What pronouns do you use? Let us know one or all that you prefer when introducing yourself (i.e. she/her, he/him, they/them.
Your Date of Birth:*
Volunteers must be aged 14 or older to become a mentor in our programs.
Cultural Background:
This section is voluntary and used for statistical puposes only. If you are comfortable sharing with us, please select the option or options which best represent your racial identity.

contact with Big brothers big sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters emails out regular newsletters and e-blasts that provide information about agency events and activities. We will not sell or share your information. You may opt out of receiving our newsletters at any time in the future.
How did you find out about the mentoring programs at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Victoria?

more about you

Please tell us the highest level of education you have completed.
If you are enrolled at a secondary or post-secondary institution, please provide the name of your school and your area of speciality (i.e history, grade 10, etc.)
Please tell us your current employment status.
If you are currently employed, please provide your company's name, your job title, and the length of time you have been with this company.
Have you ever applied to or been a volunteer with a Big Brothers Big Sisters agency in the past?
What year(s) and which BBBS agency do you have previous involvement with?
Have you ever volunteered for another agency to support children or vulnerable people?

Reference Section

Please provide contact details for each reference type (Min. 3 required). The person who provides the reference must be aged 19 or older. Please give us their email address. If this is not possible, ensure their phone number is included. Let your references know that we will send them a brief questionnaire about you, They can complete it by e-mail, telephone or through an on-line survey platform. Please ask them to follow up with us as quickly as possible.
Personal Reference*
A friend, neighbour or colleague. Someone who has known you for two years or more.
Family Reference*
If you are married or living common-law, please provide your partner's details. If you are not married or living common-law, please provide details for a family member (parent/sibling/cousin, etc.)
Employment Reference or Teacher Reference*
For teen mentors only: A teacher or school counsellor. For adult mentors only: A supervisor, team-lead, or manager in a current or past employment role.
Vulnerable Sector Reference
You must provide a Vulnerable Sector Reference if, within the last 5 years, you have worked and/or volunteered with a person and/or organization responsible for the well-being of children under the age of 18 (this includes baby-sitting for children other than your own siblings) or vulnerable persons who, because of their age, disability, or other circumstances, are at greater risk than the general population of being harmed by a person in a position of authority or trust relative to them.

Activities List - Fun Things to Do Together

Please select the activities, events and/or places you enjoy or would like to try with your mentee.
Outdoor/sports activities:
Creative/playful activities:*
Places and Events:
When can you meet with a mentee? Please check all that apply. We understand that students may have to adjust their schedules for each semester.
Please check the characteristics that describe you:*

signature section

By entering your name below, you are acknowledging that:*
The information I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

volunteer permission and release agreement

Signature of Applicant:*
By entering my name below, I acknowledge that I agree to the above terms and conditions.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Signature of Parent/Guardian (if required):
By entering my name below, I acknowledge that I agree to the above terms and conditions.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Code of Conduct

Signature of Applicant:*
By entering my name below, I acknowledge that I agree to the above terms and conditions.
MM slash DD slash YYYY


Signature of Applicant:*
By entering my name below, I acknowledge that I agree to the above terms and conditions.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.