About B You: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds B You: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds (formerly Go Girls) is a FREE 10-week program designed for gender-diverse and female-identifying and youth between the ages of 10-15. The groups meet weekly for approximately one hour and fifteen minutes during school hours on school property. Groups will be approximately 12 mentees to three fully screened (Criminal Record Check included) and trained facilitators. The objective of the program is to promote healthy living in youth through introducing a variety of sport
and exercise methods, increasing knowledge of balanced nutrition, and encouraging self-compassion and social development.
Each session is tailored to the needs and desires of participants in each group at the time of program
delivery. Physical activities in B You include, but are not limited to, yoga, dance, walking, skipping, low-impact aerobics, and various games. These physical components are followed by a group discussion
and a nutritional component in which participants learn about the importance of hydration while trying
new foods that fuel their bodies. B You: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds aims to expand participant
knowledge in active living, balanced eating, and self-compassion, while fostering strong mentoring
relationships between participants and facilitators.
If you selected "No" in the above question, please insert the youth/child's emergency contact information here: Emergency contact name, relationship to child, and phone number.