B You School Liaison Feedback Form B You School Liaison Feedback Form Thank you for hosting B You at your school this term! We appreciate your support and would love to hear your feedback. Overall, how was your experience with our program this term?How was the communication with your BBBS contact person? What value do we add to your school, if any?Did anything go particularly well this term?What challenges did you face with our program this term?Is there anything we can improve for next term? Thank you so much for filling out this survey and for supporting your students' participation in our program. Your positive feedback about B You can help us to secure program funding for the future. If you are willing, please leave a testimonial below (this can remain anonymous).Please note that your statement may be shared anonymously in our grant applications, our annual program report and/or in our program promotions. Do you have any other comments or questions you'd like to share? Would you like a BBBS staff person to follow up with you regarding this feedback? Yes please Not necessary EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.