Congratulations on your new match!


  1. Communication: Open communication is key! Issues will arise; this is normal and healthy. Issues should be discussed right away as this is essential for match health. For small issues, talk to each other first. If you are not comfortable discussing it with each other, or if it is a more serious issue, contact your Mentoring Coordinator right away.
  2. Time spent together: In school visits will take place on the same day and time each week. The mentor will pick up their mentee from class at the start of each visit and drop them off afterwards.
  3. Missing a Visit: Sometimes a week will be missed because someone is sick, on holiday or the school is closed. That’s totally alright! As much as possible, please let each other know ahead of time so everyone knows when the match will be meeting next. Call the school before each visit to ensure your Mentee is there. If the mentor is to miss a visit, they must call the school (ask them to tell your Mentee you will not be coming) and contact the BS2S Coordinator at BBBSV.
  4. One-year commitment: Our hope is that all matches will last one year or more. If this is no longer possible, contact your Mentoring Coordinator right away to talk about closing your match. If all goes well, everyone can decide if it is possible for the match to continue into the second year as you near the one-year mark.
  5. Building the relationship. Friendships take time. Don’t rush it. That’s why you have a whole year!
  6. Follow School Rules: Matches should use indoor voices and walking feet while inside the school. Mentors are expected to follow the same rules as students and teachers including: wearing school-appropriate clothing, no smoking/hats/perfume, and keeping cell phones away.
  7. Follow Safety Protocol: The mentor is required to wear their BBBSV nametag at all times during in school visits and use adult washrooms. Doors should be left open to any room the match is using. Mentors should ask the BS2S Coordinator before taking photos. If there is a fire alarm, earthquake or lockdown drill, follow school emergency protocol.
  8. Low-cost/no-cost approach: We ask that matches avoid spending a lot of money. We encourage handmade gifts if you choose to give them. Whenever possible, use supplies available to you at the school. Try to be creative and help each other think of fun, inexpensive or free things to do or make together!
  9. The mentor’s role does not include: disciplining, providing sexual education, providing religious/spiritual education, or acting as a babysitter.
  10. No secrets: To protect the child’s safety and promote healthy communication, ensure that there are no secrets. All aspects of the match are to be openly discussed.
  11. Following program Guidelines: Until it has been approved by the BS2S Coordinator and the Caregiver, matches can only visit during school programming time. This means no contact on social media, texting or visits during school breaks like summer holidays and spring break.

BS2S ISM Match Meeting Confirmation

MM slash DD slash YYYY


Name of Mentor:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY


Name of Mentee:(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Mentoring Coordinator

Name Of Mentoring Coordinator(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.