Regular review of program files for compliance with agency policies and procedures and National Standards is a critical strategy in helping to ensure that children and youth are safe.

File reviews also offer supervisors an opportunity to assess staff competencies, training needs, and identify areas for potential improvement in the quality of service delivered to our children/youth and volunteers.

The purpose of a file review is to:
1. Assess for compliance to and knowledge of National Standards and agency policies and procedures;
2. Quality assurance
3. Identification of risk

 % of active files are reviewed within each 6 month period striving for a goal of 100% compliance with National Standards and agency policies and procedures.
 Various types of files must be selected for review, including:
 active community-based matches/files at different stages of development;
 active site-based matches/files at different stages of development,
 re-matched Mentor and Mentee files;
 matched files that include a transition from site-based mentoring programs to community-based programs;
 files that resulted in pre-mature closure;
 and files that involve staff and/or board members serving as Mentors
 A checklist of mandatory forms will be completed for each file.
 The review must assess for compliance to and knowledge of the agency’s local policies and procedures, as well as adherence to National Standards.
 The review must assess individual staff competencies in terms of demonstrated understanding of the indicators of a healthy match, and a consistent ability to apply sound critical thinking skills in performing enrollment and match support functions.
o Identify areas for potential improvement
o Identify barriers to match continuation in matches that are closed in under a year.
The supervisor may choose to increase the number of audits for a specific staff person based on any concerns or issues that have been identified. In future reviews, improvements in the areas where deficiencies were noted should be documented.
 Reviews will be conducted by Mentoring Coordinators. Reviews can be conducted by supervisors, Executive Directors, audit or risk management committees of the Board of Directors and/ or by peers within the agency or within a neighboring agency.
 In addressing quality match support as it relates to child and youth protection, reviewers should be looking for documentation in the Match Support Framework (see appendix AA) of any identified risks in the area of Activities; Consistency; Closeness; Youth Centeredness, Structure, Duration and Expectations; and Safety as a result of an assessment of these areas.
 Documentation of the review must be maintained, including the date of the review, reviewer’s name and title, and a notation of any deficiencies found. In future reviews, improvements in the areas where deficiencies were noted should be documented.

Mentee File Review

File reviews are to be completed every six months by the Service Delivery Team. A random number of files will be selected for review.
Name of Staff Member Completing this File Review(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY


Mandatory Forms and Required Documentation for Mentees
Mentee's Name(Required)
Mentoring Coordinator's Name (i.e. owner of file):
Name of Mentoring Coordinator who manages this file
Program Type:(Required)
1. Inquiry (optional)
May not be present - not every file starts as an inquiry
2. Application Form
Document required by BBBS Victoria for all programs. Application form must be signed by the mentee's Parent/Guardian.
3. Informed Consent Form
Appendix N: Informed Consent Form must be signed by the mentee's Parent/Guardian. Required document for all programs.
4. Photo/media consent Form
Appendix R: Form does not have to be present for service to be provided. If present, it must be signed by the mentee's Parent/Guardian. If not present, file must be marked as unsuccessful with a note that "photo/media consent was not provided".
5. Parent and Child Interview Summaries
Appendix O: document not required for ISM or Be You!
6. Final Child and Family Assessment
Appendix O: Required for all clients by BBBS Victoria.
7. Pre-Match Training for Mentee/Orientation Session for Parent/Guardian
Appendix P: Statement of Completion must be signed by the Mentee. Ideally, the name of staff member who hosted the training and/or orientation session and the delivery method should be documented in "outcome details". A Statement of Completion signed by Parent/Guardian for attending their orientation session is only required for community programs.
8. Notice of Acceptance/ Letter of Rejection sent
Appendix Q: Verbal Notice of Acceptance is permitted but must be documented in SDP under the "screening outcome details". Letter of Rejection must be sent in writing and documentation of email/posting noted.
9. Match Goals
Review notes under initial match # sheet. MC creating match should document the reason why the match is being made. Written goals for match are no longer required by BBBS Victoria but should be noted if matched pair have a shared goal. Goal progression is reviewed and noted annually if match goes beyond one year.
10. Match introduction meeting
Review completed activities under match #. Match introduction notes must name the individuals present in the meeting, where and when the meeting took place, and whether the match is going ahead.
11. Case Logs
Appendix BB: do case-notes document the progress of the match and highlight concerns or any referrals made to other agencies.
12. Match Support Framework
Appendix AA: all scheduled match monitoring tasks are completed. Note if there a pattern of not completing them on time or not filling in all of the details of the task.
13. Overnight Consent Form (NOT ALLOWED AS OF JAN 1/2024)
Appendix H: form must be present and signed by Parent/Guardian and Mentor if case-notes document an overnight visit between mentor and mentee prior to 2024.
14. Re-assessment/Re-screening
Only required if mentee is being re-matched
Please document any additional concerns and/or feedback you may have about this individual file review and/or the file review process being implemented.