Big Brothers Big Sisters is an organization that enrols volunteer mentors to provide a healthy role model to children and youth in our community.  Volunteer mentors must provide a stable, positive influence over the period of their commitment, which is usually a school or calendar year.

Many of the resilient children and youth in our programs have experienced challenges in their lives; relying on the consistent presence of a mentor makes a difference in their lives, likewise ending this important relationship sooner than expected can have a detrimental effect on the young person.

Help us Start Something for our community’s youth by providing a reference that, to the best of your knowledge, is an honest reflection of the applicant and their ability to be a positive influence in the life of a child. Your responses will remain confidential.  Thank you.


Please know that you can stop the questionnaire at any time. If there are questions that you’d rather discuss over the telephone, please call 250-475-1117, ext. 40.


Reference Check - Teacher/School

About You

Your Name:(Required)
Your School's Location:(Required)

About the Student applying to be a mentor

Name of student reference is being provided for:(Required)
1. Would you recommend the student as a mentor for a child or youth?
5. Can the applicant be counted on to follow through on commitments?
6. To your knowledge, has the applicant ever had any trouble following rules?

7. Rating Scale

Please rate the student on the following characteristics. Please provide a brief explanation below if your answer reflects a "somewhat good", "poor" or "extremely poor" rating.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.